Engage your Students to help sell Online Golf Coaching

Hi ​there,

I speak to many Golf Coaches around the world on a weekly basis.

It's become apparent to me, that many Coaches are missing out on maximising their current Student/Coach relationships.

For most Coaches it starts and stops at exchanging time for money. There's a better way for both Coach and Student.

  1. Coaches can add more value to their students, by coaching them online in between in-person lessons and helping them achieve better golf quicker, creating more satisfied students.

  2. Coaches can generate significantly more revenue from their current student base, if they start coaching them online in between in-person lessons.

I understand that the rules of engagement for in-person lessons are clearly understood by Coaches and Students at this point in time, but Online Coaching? It's a little unclear to most Coaches.

So how do you start Coaching your students online?

It's called Student Engagement.

Communicate with your students in between lessons and add value to them. For the Coach/Student relationship to be strong, you need to communicate with them regularly and your interactions need to be valuable to them.

Let me show you how you can do this with Golf Coach App. It doesn't have to take a lot of time.

Go to MY COACHING LIBRARY inside Golf Coach App,
then Templates (top left of screen),
then search for #Golfer engagment

Here you will find all kinds of content we created for you, that you can send to your COACHING LIBRARY from where you can send it to your studentsin a broadcast message.

Here's a sample recipe you can follow to start this process with your students.

Go to Templates, then search for
#Golfer Engagement
Pick one of the rules questions and send it on to your students.

Go to Templates, then search for
#Golfer Engagement
Send the answer of the previous day's question to your students.

Go to Templates, then search for
#Golfer Engagement
#mental game
Send one of the great Dr Bhrett McCabe mental game videos to your students.

Find an interesting post from social media and share with your students. Here's an example post from Bryson DeChambeau

Go to Templates, then search for
#Golfer Engagement
Find a quote from a famous player and share with your students.

So after 5 days, you've spend about 3 minutes sending messages to your students, but you have created ENORMOUS value for them.

If you have a 100, 200 or 1000 students inside Golf Coach App, you can see how easy it is to get the ball rolling.

Once the conversation starts, you've taken the first step in Coaching them Online.

If you need help with this, get in touch with us and we'll gladly help you get going.

Till next time,