Create rich Golf Lesson Reviews for your students

Hi there,

Have you ever sent a student a Lesson Review and wished you an extra explanation to help them fix their problem?

Templates can help you

Let’s take the common scenario of the slicing golfer.

In addition to your Lesson or Swing Review you sent them, you might also want to explain the root cause to them.

Golf Lesson Review

They might strike it on the heel of their driver and need to understand Gear Effect.

Golf Gear Effect

Or they might just need to understand the path/face relationship better.

Golf club path vs golf club face angle

… or it might be an issue with their grip.

Golf grip

Inside Templates in Golf Coach App, you’ll find graphics and videos that you can use to explain these concepts to your students easily.

Create a video of these images, add your own face to the video and make it personal to your student.


To learn more about how you can use Templates to add HUGE value to your students.

Watch the video

If you need help with anything, feel free to reach out to me.

Till next time,
